Google Colab Tips and Tricks

2 min readDec 16, 2020

Imported from my Github repo:


If you are comfortable Vim you can enable Vim keyboard bindings from the settings.


Majority of Colab shortcuts are multi step shortcuts like Emacs. For example, to see all the available shortcuts you have to press Command/Ctrl + m prefix first then press h.

It is too much mental burden to remember every single shortcut, so typing out the command via command palette( Command/Ctrl+Shift+p) is not a bad idea.


Terminal have a builtin Tmux, which is neat for creating multiple panes. The downside is though you have to learn the Tmux shortcuts if you are not familiar with it. As always, there must be a ton of tutorial on YouTube.

Building Colab Desktop App

I was skeptical at first then I am liking the desktop app more than I should.

The following command can be used to create Colab app on macOS with nativefier.

nativefier --name \ --internal-urls "(.*?contacts\.google\.com.*?|.*?accounts\.google\.com.*?|.*?colab\.research\.google\.com.*?)" \ --single-instance --icon assets/Colab.png

You have to switch the icon file to the corresponding one based on your system.


